Pediatric Ophthalmology or Pediatric Ophthalmologist in Rohini
The Pediatric Ophthalmology, Squint and Neuro Ophthalmology Service provides a comprehensive range of tests and therapies to diagnose and manage various eye disorders, including Refractive Error, Childhood Cataract, Glaucoma, Amblyopia, Squint, Congenital Anomalies, etc.
The available facility offers a vast range of Tests And Therapy:
• Testing for visual acuity
• Fixation targets for close-up and accommodating close-up objectives
• Fresnel prisms and prism bars are prisms.
• Bagolini's eyewear 6. Charts of stereoacuity for the Titmus Fly and Random Dot tests
• Bar of neutral density
• Tests for contrast sensitivity
• Charts for testing color vision (Ishiara)

Sophisticated Instruments For Various Surgeries Like:
• Correction of both horizontal and vertical squints
• Cataract surgery and placement of additional IOLs
• Infant eye injuries
• Minor operations like chalazion removal and foreign body removal.
• Amblyopia treatment
• Focusing drills
Parents Should Refer to a Paediatric Ophthalmologist in Rohini if their Child is Experiencing Vision-Related Challenges.
There are several symptoms that parents should look for when it comes to vision-related challenges that their child might be facing. Here are a few:
Squinting or closing one eye: If your child is constantly squinting or closing one eye, it could be a sign of a refractive error or an eye muscle problem.
Frequent headaches or eye strain: If your child complains of frequent headaches or eye strain, it could be a sign of eyestrain caused by focusing on objects for too long.
Tilting their head or covering one eye: If your child tilts their head or covers one eye, it could be a sign of a vision problem in that eye.
Difficulty reading or doing close work: If your child has difficulty reading or doing close work, it could be a sign of a refractive error or a convergence insufficiency.